- シリコンフォトニクスデバイス
- リング共振器
- 回折格子
- プラズモン
- メタマテリアル
- ナノフォトニクス
- 非線形光学効果
- フォトニック結晶構造

- Optical ring resonator filter
Nano-antennae (bow-tie and nut geometries)
Mie Scattering from a gold cylinder
Light Harvesters
Nonlinear Plasmonics
Wide Bandwidth Grating-Assisted Directional Coupler
Diffraction Grating (RCWA)
Diffraction Grating (FDTD, FETD)
Surface Grating Coupler
- Silicon Nanophotonics
- Q-Factor calculation of photonic crystal cavity
Photonic crystal laser
A temporal soliton (FETD, chi3)
Nonlinear photonic crystal cavity (FDTD, chi3)
Photonic Crystal Y-Junction (with Kallistos)
Bloch Modes of a Photonic Crystal Waveguide
Nonlinear Plasmonics (FETD, surface chi2, volume chi3)
1x2 MMI Butterfly Geometry