- シリコンフォトニクスデバイス
- テーパーや連続的に変化されるデバイス
- 光ファイバー
- MMIカプラー
- 2Dと3Dの格子構造
- プラズモン導波路

- Fiber to Chip Silicon Vertical Grating Coupler
Inverted Taper for Fiber to Silicon Chip Coupling
Optical Ring Resonator Filter
An SG-DBR cavity in SOI
Planar Y-junction power splitter
Directional coupler with S-bends
Optimize Taper Designs (with Kallistos)
Create optimal S-Bends (with Kallistos)
Lensed Fiber for Chip Coupling
Tapered Fiber Filter
Tapered Metal-coated SNOM Fiber Probe
- Fiber-to-Chip End Coupling
Fiber Bragg Gratings
Multicore Photonic-Crystal Fiber 1x4 Power Splitter
OAM modes and vortex beams
1x4 SOI MMI Coupler - Optimisation with Kallistos
1x8 AlGaAs MMI Coupler
1x2 SOI MMI Wavelength Demultiplexer
Wide Bandwidth Grating-Assisted Directional Coupler
Grating-Assisted Spot-Size Converter
Optical Modes of a Laser Cavity (VCSEL, DFB)
Anti-Reflection coating for silicon waveguide facet