- waveguides 屈折率差が大きい(SOI)導波路
- GaAs/AlGaAs導波路
- SMF及びMMFファイバー
- フォトニック結晶ファイバ(PCF)
- リッジ・リブ導波路
- プラズモン及びマイクロ波長導波路

- Modes of SOI Waveguides or High Index Contrast Waveguides
Modes of Cylindrical Optical Fibres
Modes of Photonic Crystal Fibres
Modes of Diffused Waveguides
Modes of Hollow-Core Waveguides
Modes of ARROW Waveguides
Modes of Slot Waveguides and Cross-Slot Waveguides
Bend Modes
Whispering Cavity Modes of a Microdisk Resonator
Surface Plasmon Modes
Microwave Modes of a Microstrip Line
Thermal Profiler: thermal lensing, self-heating