- high-index silicon (SOI) waveguides
- GaAs/AlGaAs waveguides
- single-mode and multi-mode optical fibers
- photonic crystal fibers (PCFs)
- buried, etched (rib, ridge) and diffused waveguides
- plasmonic and microwave waveguides

- Modes of SOI Waveguides or High Index Contrast Waveguides
Modes of Cylindrical Optical Fibres
Modes of Photonic Crystal Fibres
Modes of Diffused Waveguides
Modes of Hollow-Core Waveguides
Modes of ARROW Waveguides
Modes of Slot Waveguides and Cross-Slot Waveguides
Bend Modes
Whispering Cavity Modes of a Microdisk Resonator
Surface Plasmon Modes
Microwave Modes of a Microstrip Line
Thermal Profiler: thermal lensing, self-heating

For more information on Photon Design's suite of photonic CAD tools, visit our pages on FIMMPROP , MT-FIMMPROP , and PICWAVE .
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