Detector: Standard photometer frc-f
The robogonio is the most flexible, robust, and precise goniophotometer on the world market. The robogonio combines the flexibility of a KUKA industrial robot with the precision of opsira light measurement techniques. Different detectors can be combined with robogonios of various sizes and are available in 3 product lines.
Key Merits:
- Near-field / far field goniophotometry with multiple detector systems
- Fast measurement with the Class L photometer - hemisphere: ~120 seconds
- Available in multiple variations (with a payload of 4 kg to up to 280 kg)
- Angle repeatability of up to 0.005°
- Easy to operate
Detector Options:
- Photometers
- Spectrometers
- Spectroradiometers
- Luminance cameras
- Environmental detectors

Detector: Standard photometer frc-f
Detector: very fast Class L photometer
Detector: fast Class L photometer with a spectrometer

Automotive: In the automotive industry photometric measurements need to be executed with high angular resolution in order to comply with the strict industry standards, and of course, results need to be performed and delivered extremely quickly. The robogonio’s very fast Class L photometer reduces the measurement time to just a few minutes. Furthermore the robogonio allows angular resolutions of 0.01.
The robogonio is perfectly suited for companies constantly launching new luminaires by quickly generating the required LED data and providing far field data (IES or EULUMDAT format). The robogonio can also be equipped with an optional spectrometer for color vs angle measurements. Furthermore Luminous flux efficiency vs consumed electrical power can also be determined directly to understand energy efficiency classification.
Signal Lights:
Luminous intensity distribution is a critical metric for measuring traffic lights, railway signals, beacons etc. for production lines. Some applications require that front and back exit windows emit the same intensity, the robogonio’s flexibility makes it straightforward to model the distribution in both directions in a single setup for fast, efficient, and accurate data.